Server Rules

These apply to all services provided by

Rules are subject to change at any time without notice as we develop and add features to our platforms. Please keep up to date with changes here.

General Rules

  1. Users must ensure the security of their accounts (strong password, not sharing the account, etc.).

  2. Users must behave respectfully – for example, no spamming, vulgar language, mocking, threatening, inciting arguments, building structures with sexual or misleading content, etc. Spam includes writing repeated characters consecutively or messages in all caps. Threats of death, incitement to suicide, or promotion of suicidal behavior are prohibited. Spreading false or unverified information is also prohibited.

  3. It is forbidden to advertise in any way or mention competing servers. Advertising includes IP and URL addresses. Advertising a video or channel that positively promotes the project is allowed.

  4. Using inappropriate names or skins is prohibited. Names or skins must not include elements of fascism, Nazism, racism, or sexuality. Names must also not contain insults, swearing, offensive words, names of other servers, or names of prohibited game modifications. Names should not resemble those of admin team members.

  5. Users must not exploit any bugs. Upon discovering a bug, users must report it immediately by contacting server support. Spreading information about the bug is forbidden. Reporting a bug may result in a reward for the user.

  6. Circumventing or providing information on how to circumvent our security systems is prohibited. Providing information on installing and setting up cheat clients is also prohibited.

  7. It is forbidden to spread any non-public information about the server.

  8. Sharing information about cases handled in the ticket system is forbidden.

  9. Abusing or overloading server support in any way is prohibited.

  10. Users must respect the decisions of the admin team.

  11. Circumventing a punishment is prohibited.

  12. Users do not have any right to a refund of contributions, builds, winnings, etc., in case of punishment.

  13. All server data belongs to, and users are not entitled to compensation in case of damage or loss.

  14. Offering or accepting any trade offers involving anything other than in-game elements of the server is prohibited.

  15. Spreading any personal information of any server user is prohibited.

  16. Damaging the server in any way is prohibited.

  17. Encouraging rule violations is prohibited.

  18. Inciting users to harm in any way is prohibited.

  19. In public chat, only Czech, Slovak, or English is allowed (except for song lyrics, etc.).

  20. Owning more than one account for the purpose of enrichment or circumventing punishment is prohibited.

  21. If a user is a minor, their legal guardian is responsible for all their actions.

  22. Providing false evidence is prohibited.

  23. Hosting fake contests is prohibited.

  24. All elements of are the intellectual property of the server operator. Unauthorized distribution or imitation is prohibited.

  25. Deliberately seeking and exploiting loopholes in the rules is strictly prohibited.

  26. We reserve the right to assess each case individually.

  27. Any complaint must be addressed by contacting server support. Complaints do not belong in public chat.

  28. A player has the right to request the cancellation of a punishment if they believe it was wrongly given. In the case of a "Cheats" punishment, the unban request will be automatically denied if submitted later than 3 days after the punishment was given. If unauthorized modifications, suspicious, altered, or deleted files are found, or if the player refuses a computer inspection, the punishment will remain.

Game Server Rules

  1. Players must not use or possess programs and resource packs that significantly ease the game compared to others, such as cheats, auto-click, or double-click. If unauthorized modifications are found on a player's device, the unban request will be automatically denied.

  2. Techniques like butterfly/jitter/drag clicking are at the player's own risk and may result in a ban.

  3. Players must not disrupt other players' games in any way (disconnecting from the game, targeting, etc.).

  4. Destroying other players' buildings or stealing is prohibited. Players must secure their property, e.g., trade only through trade, avoid cross-server trading, etc.

  5. Players must not intentionally destroy nature (including the Nether and End), e.g., creating cobblestone stairs with lava and water, placing blocks under themselves for faster movement. One-block structures to height or underground disrupting the landscape are prohibited.

  6. Public teleports, including tpa, must not harm players unless stated beforehand.

  7. Building mob traps, farms, and large redstone circuits is not prohibited but may be removed without warning if they noticeably burden the server. Building redstone circuits to lag the server is forbidden.

  8. Damaging the surroundings of another player's claim is prohibited.

  9. Selling fake keys, special items, or otherwise cheating other players is prohibited.

  10. If a player is removed from a claim, they have the right to have their belongings returned.

Web Store and Payment Rules

  1. Purchasing items does not serve as protection against a ban.

  2. By purchasing an item, you waive the right to a refund.

  3. If the purchased item is not received within 10 minutes, you must report the problem within 3 days. Otherwise, the right to a complaint expires.

  4. Continuous server access is not guaranteed. Compensation is not possible in case of server outages. If the server ceases to operate, all credits, VIP accounts, and other items are void without any compensation.

  5. We reserve the right to change products, their prices, and adjust benefits without notice.

Discord Rules

  1. Do not tag users unless necessary.

  2. Do not send inappropriate ideas. Even if approved by users, they may not be added.

  3. Do not send pictures of punishments received.

  4. Using voice changers and playing inappropriate sounds in voice channels is prohibited.

  5. Sending inappropriate pictures, gifs, or emojis (including reacting to messages) is prohibited. Multiple emoji reactions that are not inappropriate on their own are also considered inappropriate.

Admin Team Member Rules

  1. If not AFK, admin team members must help players or direct them to support.

  2. Admin team members must keep the server in order and intervene if there is a problem.

  3. Admin team members must not abuse their rights in any way.

  4. Admin team members must follow all server rules (except cheats used for player checks).

  5. Admin team members are not required to keep or provide evidence for any punishment.

  6. Admin team members can monitor Discord rooms from another account to ensure rule compliance.

  7. Server management has the right to punish players without giving a reason.

Reporting Players

We very much appreciate and encourage you to report any player violating the rules by creating a ticket so that everyone stays safe and happy.


Any and all rules are subject to change as we develop and introduce new features to our platforms. Please keep up with any changes here, we will notify everyone if and when those changes occur. Any form of "I didn't read the rules, I didn't know" will not be exempt from punishment.

Don't argue with the rules, you can appeal your punishment but don't complain. Make a suggestion if you want a rule change. Ask questions in Tickets if you are confused.

Punishments are based on what server staff have seen from said player. We have standard punishments along with tailored punishments depending on the senario and past infractions.

Last updated

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