🚃High Speed Rails

Place a powered rail on a boost block (redstone block) to build high-speed rail. Place on any other block to get a regular powered rail.

High-speed rails are by 4x faster than regular powered rails, ie. 32 m/s, or 115 km/h. This is as fast as rocket-powered elytra flight.

Design guidelines

These are our recommendations for building efficient high-speed tracks:

  • Allow room for acceleration: it takes a while to reach top speed. Place several high-speed rail sections close together at the start of your track.

  • Minimize the number of turns: you only need at most one turn to get to any destination. An optimal track looks like an L from above.

  • Minimize the number of slopes: build tunnels, bridges, etc. to stay on the same level.

  • Before turns and slopes, put one (or sometimes a couple of) regular powered rails to slow down and avoid derailment.

  • After turns and slopes, allow room for acceleration again.

To maintain high speeds you must of course build your tracks out of high-speed rails because regular powered rails will slow you down. Only mix in regular powered rails in turns and slopes as mentioned above. If you want to stop a high-speed cart quickly, for example, if you have stations/stops on your route, you can use hard brake blocks with unpowered powered rails.

Last updated