โœจStaff FAQ

How to become a Staff Member

You can submit an application for staff on our Forum. Everyone starts as a Helper, and you can later be promoted to higher ranks.

What does a Staff Member do?

There are different types of staff members. Helper - A helperโ€™s primary focus is to ensure chat is being monitored. This is both for ensuring players' questions are being answered, and chat violations are being handled. They also make sure players are following all the rules Moderator Rank - Moderators do everything Helpers do. The only thing different is they have more abilities. Moderators handle all billing issues, such as someone not receiving the rank they purchased or any other issues with their purchase. Admin Rank - Admins help assist with the server, the community, the overall staff team, and anything else!

How can I increase my chances of getting staff?

You can apply various methods that will automatically increase your chances of becoming a staff member. Here are some tips we would like to share with you:

  • Have a good reputation with the staff team and community.

  • Have a clean punishment record.

  • Support the server by purchasing goods in our store.

  • Having a good playtime amount.

  • Being mature and professional.

  • Being a part of the community for some time before applying.

How can I write a well-written staff application?

Here are some of the best possible tips for writing a fantastic staff application.

  • Be honest and do not lie in your application. This will start you off poorly.

  • Always make sure you are using proper grammar and punctuation. Use entire sentences and have detail in your application to make it stand out.

  • Have previous staff experience on other Minecraft servers and provide proof.

  • Include how you are dedicated to the server, your activity, reputation, teamwork skills, and anything else you feel like sharing with us.

Are staff paid?

The staff team is made up of volunteers who volunteer their time to help keep the DandyCraft community safe and thriving. While you get special perks and bonuses as a staff member, it is primarily a volunteer position. Unfortunately, no Minecraft servers can pay staff members due to the costs and type of job it is.

Last updated